Brody Crawford Scam Brody Crawford Arrest Bit Coin Bandit Ponzi Schemer Crypto Crook Miami Ponzi International Paper Trading Stolen crypto ETH BTC Parker Albright LGBFJB DOGE SHIBA INU XRP Brody Crawford Scams Brody Crawford Arrests Bitcoin Conference Miami  NFL SCAM Brody Crawford South Florida Scam Broward Scams Palm Beach Scams

Sentenced on Wednesday, October 18, 2023

MIAMI – A Miami man was sentenced to 66 months in federal prison for running a fraudulent cryptocurrency and stock investment scheme. The judge also ordered forfeiture in the amount of $988,895.85.  The complete press release can be found here.

Click here to read the story published by the Miami Herald, or click here to read the NBC 6 news story.  Buscas esta noticia en español, haz clic aquí.

This site will no longer be maintained as of 11/22/2023; unless . . .

  • THIEF?

Who is Brody Crawford?

Inner circle knows He is:

  • The adoptive son to Rebecca Crawford,
  • Husband to Tejasa Olesia Halpin Crawford,
  • and father of two minor children, whose identities we will protect.

Also known, He:

  • Currently lives in a rental apartment on Brickell Key Island in Miami; again for the protection of his children we will not publish his address.
  • As of his release from jail on March 12, it is suspected that he may be in or around the North Bay Village area of Miami.

I’m confused, this a fan page?

Quite the contrary, this page is about publicly exposing, the ‘alleged’ crimes Brody Crawford has committed and the damage he has caused hundreds of his victims.

Including, the possible death of one of his victims, who after months of going back and forth with Brody’s shenanigans, suffered cardiac arrest and tragically passed.  If you have been victimized, we will leave it up to you to judge his actions for yourself.

Let’s clear the record, his legal name is Ryan J. Crawford, born on December 3, 1992, in the State of Colorado.  His current Florida Drivers License number is:  C616-xxx-xx-x43-0, and his Security Number ends in:  xxx-xx-5143.

Alleged crimes?  That’s so cap!

Alleged?  Not when you realize that he and his wife have scammed hundreds of people for several hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars!

Consider this short list of 11 of the approximately 25 victims*,  persons we have either interviewed or have been in direct contact.  Their names have been obfuscated to protect their identities, at least from the public and on this page.

  • $  12K ………. A******
  • $130K ………. D*****
  • $  70K ………. H****
  • $  20K ………. M******
  • $    4K ………. K******
  • $  20K ………. V******
  • $  40K ………. I*****
  • $     1K ………. M******
  • $     5K ………. T***
  • $   20K ………. J*****
  • $  25K ………. G***
  • $ 250K …….. L*****
  • $   55K …….  M******
  • $ 140K …….  D***** B******
  • $  47.5K …..  J*****
  • $  4.5K …….  M***
  • $  30K …….  A****
  • $  30K …….  F*****
  • $  7.5K ……. R****
  • $  255K ……. S****

That’s a smooth $332,000 $896,500  $1,166,500* (updated May 24, 2022) in money borrowed or taken as investments by way of CashApp, Crypto currencies, Direct Access to 3rd party investment accounts, PayPal payments and Zelle transfers, as well as moneys paid via checks that were later deemed “junk” or “fraudulent”.

And to fathom that he’s actually admitted to getting over 400 people to give him money. . . “Simply Mind-blowing”

* Total dollars may vary given the value of the crypto at the time of the exchange,  worth at the time the exchange, versus their current or future value. 

* Not one of these persons has been made whole.  Not one has recovered even as so much as their ‘loans’ or ‘investments’ with Brody, which among this group of persons is estimated to be nearing 1 million USD.

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Hold up, is his wife involved too?

Is Tejasa involved, or is she a victim too?    Two possible arguments:

1.  She is involved, and is in as much risk as Brody of being charged in these ‘alleged’ crimes,

2.  and is in as much risk as Brody, to any malevolent retaliation they may encounter from any of their unscrupulous victims.

Update:  Ryan James Crawford arrested on March 8, 2022, charged with BATTERY, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE

“Send me?” –  Cast your vote!

Brody ever ask you for money?

It’s probably all stolen!

If you have read this far, it’s because you have been scammed, know someone who may have been scammed, or simply witnessed the virtual lynching Brody experienced, following the so called Cheetah Launch on December 3, 2021.

If you are a victim, then you know how hard you worked to simply allow this douche bag to scam you.  Let’s assume you are not a victim, but rather read an account of one of the many victims, you’ll likely to still believe it’s no bueno!

What makes the entire situation disgraceful is how he brags of the millions he’s making, while still asking for gas fees, like a crack head needing a fix.

First conclusion, let’s assume he does have 2 nickels to rub together, rest assured he has acquired it by stealing it from just about anyone that has crossed his path – including his family.

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Brody’s shenanigans can be compared to an elaborate Ponzi Scheme involving a multitude of  instruments.  Including ACH transfers, FIAT, WIRES and CRYPTO gas fees that where unknowingly being sent as drip payments to other investors.

His family chimes in . . .

This conversation with his biological brother Coxxxx, should serve as proof that Brody has no regard, even for his own blood relatives.

The nested conversation is between Coxxxx and their cousin Bxxxxxx, who apparently has been victimized too.

Scroll right to continue the conversation.

Second conclusion, he makes no exception of persons regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.  You are all prey and he is your predator!


It would seem that Brody is not only living on borrowed and stolen money, but borrowed time as well.  The following captures show that he has upset a good number of persons.  While these may be in the ‘heat of the moment’ threats, they should be taken seriously and our goal is have these brought to the attention of the authorities.

Your active participation in this matter is going to make a difference – not only to those that have already been victimized but those that are yet to become victims.

There are several steps that you can take today, but the decision is yours.

Contact the FBI!

Contacting the FBI is something that you can easily do from the privacy of your home.  Simply go online to and file a complaint.

Your complaint, along with the already filed complaint of several others, will alert the FBI of the magnitude of this crime.  This page contains much of the information you will be needing in identifying your assailant.


Contact the US Attorney’s Office!


We highly recommend you also contact US Attorney’s office, again to alert their offices of the magnitude of this crime.

There are two options:  Call the Citizen Complaint Hotline @ 305-961-9173.  If you wish your block or keep your phone number private, simply dial *67, 305-961-9173.  Using *67 hides your number, and it will show up at the call center as either “Private” or “Blocked”.

Alternatively, you can send an email, using a throwaway email address to:

Your complaint, along with the already filed complaint of others, will alert the US Attorney’s office of the magnitude of this crime.  Remember, this page contains much of the information you will be needing in identifying your assailant.

Contact the SEC!

“This video is for educational purposes only and not financial advise”, because everyone knows that any securities investment advice by a non-licensed individual is illegal, and an SEC violation.  File your complaint here:

Accomplice Identified

The images to the left are of the Chase Bank account that has been receiving large sums of money associated with this scam.

First, the account does not belong to Brody or Tejasa Crawford.  The account belongs to a business registered in the State of Florida, owned by a person named Brenda Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, who resides in North Bay Village, FL.  The account number ends in:  xxxxxxxxxxx2551.

Of interest are the 4 Zelle transfers made by Brandon Xxxxxx totaling $9,400 – which raises the question of direct or indirect involvement.  Brandon, are you laundering money for Brody?

We believe Olena Xxxxxxxxxx, Jennifer Xxxxxxxxx, Marco Xxxxx and Avery X Xxxxxxxxxx are all victims, with losses totaling $14,855 during this period, December 1 through 31, 2021.

“One day my full story will come out and it is gonna blow [your] fucking MINDS[,] but it will be a redemption story!!!!!”

~Brody Crawford, 3/12/22, 8:49:33 PM

What Next?

First, be certain to share this website with anyone that you may know that may have been victimized by Brody and/or Tejasa Crawford.  Please submit your personal complaint to the FBI (, The United States Attorney’s office ( and the SEC (  In doing so, you will be doing your part in protecting others from Brody and Tejasa Crawford.  As well as possibly saving the life of anyone who may have considered suicide or has become gravely ill, because of their financial loss and despair.

As if asking for money and promising false returns were bad enough, we have discovered other creative ways Brody was siphoning money from those around him.  Click here if you can stomach the continuation of this damned saga.

Dear STEVE, we know you were stressed beyond any of our understanding because of your financial losses to Brody, may your memory be a blessing to all those that knew you.  REST IN PEACE!

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